Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

book clubbing

so, i have always wanted to write a book. this is the cover to my first draft...sketches and pieces of my day. what to trash and what to save, constant decisions we make in our lifes, every moment every second as we inhale and exhale RESPIRATING physically and emotionally consuming and liberation our emotional ties with existence. bodies unconsciously exchanging with surrounding bodies of energy. releasing engaging love/life/tension/peace. compressing the space between us, squeezing moments into hardened crystal memories to put in our pockets and carry with us so that we may loose them in the laundry or toss them into future bodies of water. breathing.

RESPIRATION The oxidative process occurring within living cells by which the chemical energy of organic molecules is released in a series of metabolic steps involving the consumption of oxygen and the liberation of carbon dioxide and water.

ASPIRATION Aspiration (phonetics), the release of a strong burst of air after some obstruents

Arabic: يَتَنَفَّس
Chinese (Simplified): 呼吸
Chinese (Traditional): 呼吸
Czech: dýchat
Danish: ånde
Dutch: ademhalen
Estonian: hingama
Finnish: hengittää
French: respirer
German: atmen
Greek: αναπνέω
Hungarian: lélegzik
Icelandic: anda
Indonesian: bernapas
Italian: respirare
Japanese: 呼吸する
Korean: 숨쉬다, 호흡하다
Latvian: elpot
Lithuanian: kvėpuoti
Norwegian: puste, ånde
Polish: oddychać
Portuguese (Brazil): respirar
Portuguese (Portugal): respirar
Romanian: a respira
Russian: дышать
Slovak: dýchať
Slovenian: dihati
Spanish: respirar
Swedish: andas
Turkish: soluk alıp vermek

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


flying into seattle this massive volcano filled our window...lots of personality there. some new sketches, been a little more disciplined in my sketching/drawing and utilizing my skills. still drawn to observing and drawing architecture, the shadows of form defining space with the use of line... use of line to record my thought processes. stephen and alison have worked hard to finish their house...beautiful and inspirational to draw, nice proportions. updated some paintings below, CUP OF TEA and ARTERIAL VIEW are recent additions. more to come.

a painting in progress with detail.

early morning sitting at red rocks looking east over the hogback towards green mountain and the colorado plains...

just drawin whats in front of me. blindly.

alison and i spent some very cold time looking for these gladiolas, ended up i got distracted by the table cloth blowing in the warm wind that evening...

finally got to ride in the carman gia, robins egg blue with the radio very one point i think the sky was the same color as the car.

a few views of stephen and alisons' home from the back...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

just thinkin

pullin some stuff out of my sketch book just thinkin and drawin...about future and past works. makin

this is about the life boat painting further down the blog...sometimes trying to understand what i just did...hmmm.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


sometimes the energy goes into paint and other times it spits out as architecture/drawing/designing. this is a little sleeping addition i have been working on as of late. some sketches leading up to the computer drawings, will add some model shots in the next few days. the sketches are not dated, but i do believe they are chronological in regards to my process. thought it would be interesting, so often now with the use of the computer we lose are thought process as we save the remnants of our journey to the final structure....end up repeating ourselves sometimes because we forget that we already visited a certain scheme or such. this is one of those projects that remind you of why you went through architecture school.

these drawings have my notes on them, talking to myself while drawing...a lucid state of recording thoughts that drift through my head. responsive to the radio or books that i am reading and words just popping playing in the background and some verse catching in my head...these are the words that end up on the paper. very much like the paintings i do, switching back and forth from a visual vocabulary and the verbal language. words/marks/letters/numbers self-organizing moments.

and then the computerization occurs...building it in model giving it life by adding another dimension.

just workin

late night painting as heat lightning fills the sky, humidity softens the air. storms on the otherside, protected by the sound...i pulled images off the web from all the midwest flooding, aerial shots. initial photo of a missisippi tributary flooding farmlands and the painting in progress.

working in progress


working in progress


CUP OF TEA 48X32 detail