"seen any jackalopes?"
nooo. but i did see this bear/road kill just outside of burns, colorado. sad to say the least.
"where are you"
i am in torrington, wyoming...getting ready to make the big turn east and start crossing nebraska. been doing really well, think i might take today off as my body has started to refuse food. literally.
this morning, 25 miles to torrington...95 degrees already at 9:30 AM. i am heading to the holiday inn, a pool and rest. my stomach needs to calm down. considering doing more jack and giving up on the supplements. if i eat another peanut butter and goo sandwich i will puke on the spot.
looking behind...
looking ahead...
"hiyo, howz it rollin?"
mileage has gone like this:
95 miles to gore pass
70 miles then to walden (rained out and hung out with some motorcyclists heading up to sturgis..involved some jack daniels and such)
last rays of the day on laramie mts. no one told me the laramie mts. would have so much climbing/sand/rock involved.
bike surfing in the morning light/sand.
realized the scale of the landscape is that of clouds and trains and tractors and fences. morning descending outside of laramie.
103 miles to hawks springs steakhouse, more sturgis people, lots of conversation with the locals something about the recent fair and a guys pig...go figure. limited self to 1 jack daniels and some bud light. slept out behind the back of the motorcycle bar. feeling great, flying like the wind.
1 comment:
awwwwwwwwww....poor bear!
i thought white bears only hung out north of Canada....
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